Richard Dougherty, PhD

Richard Dougherty, PhD

Dean of Braniff Graduate School, Politics Graduate Program Director, Professor, Politics

Phone: (972) 721-5043


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #130

Office Hours: TR 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Ph. D. in Political Philosophy, University of Dallas

M.A. in Political Philosophy and Literature, University of Dallas
B.A. in Political Science, Belmont Abbey College

Dean, Braniff Graduate School, University of Dallas, 2024
Professor of Politics, University of Dallas, 2020
Chairman, Department of Politics, University of Dallas, 2011-2019
Associate Professor of Politics, University of Dallas, 2000-2020
Visiting Professor of Political Science, Department of Comparative Political Science, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Inglostadt,  Eichstätt, Germany, 2016
Director, Center for Christianity and the Common Good, University of Dallas, 1993-present
Faculty Representative, Lilly Foundation's Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts, 1997-present

POL 1311 Principles of American Politics
POL 3312/5301 Political Regimes: Plutarch, Augustine, Machiavelli
POL 3326/5302 The Presidency
POL 3332/5305 Aristotle's Politics
POL 3368/5307 Catholic Political Thought
POL 4353 The Federalist/Anti-Federalist
POL 5357 Tocqueville
POL 6377 Cicero
POL 6377 Politics and the Bible
POL 4351 Senior Seminar
POL 4353 Catholic Political Thought
POL 7380 Medieval Political Philosophy

Editor and Contributor, with an Introduction, Augustine’s Political Thought. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press. 2019. 

“Natural Law in Augustine,” in Research Handbook on Natural Law Theory, eds. Jonathan Crowe and Constance Youngwon Lee, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019: pp. 57-75.  

“St. Augustine and the Problem of Political Ethics,” in Augustine’s Political Thought, ed. Richard J. Dougherty. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press, 2019: 13-35.

“Solidarity and the American Political Order: Migration and America.” Essay in Migration und Solidarität. ed. Stefan Mückl. Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot (forthcoming in 2020): pp. 161-173.

Author, Full entry on St. Augustine’s City of GodOxford Bibliographies. Forthcoming, 2019; available online at

“St. Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Man in the ‘Treatise on Law’,” Divus Thomas 121 (Fall, 2018): 167-177.

“The Role of Religion in the American Political Experience,” Essay in Der öffentliche Charakter der Religion in der liberalen Demokratie (The Public Character of Religion in Liberal Democracy), ed. Klaus Stuwe. Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot (2018): pp. 1-14. Available here.

“St. Thomas on the Acquisition of Virtue and the Natural Law,” in The Virtuous Life: Thomas Aquinas on the Theological Nature of Moral Virtues, ed. Henk J. M. Schoot and H. Goris (Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing, 2017).

Co-Editor, and Co-Author of Introduction, with Thomas Neumayr, Reprint of Charles N. R. McCoy’s The Structure of Political Thought. Piscataway, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers (2016). Available here.

“Justice, Charity, and the Political Order: Assessing the Encyclical Tradition,” article in Free Markets with Solidarity and Sustainability: Facing the Challenge, eds. Martin Schlag and Juan Andres Mercado, Catholic University of America Press (2016): 135-154. 

“Federalism and American Politics: The Founders and the Modern State.” Essay in Besinnung auf das Subsidiaritatsprinzip, ed. Anton Rauscher, Berlin, Germany: Duncker & Humblot (2015): 51-63. 

“St. Thomas Aquinas on the Acquisition of Knowledge,” in Thomas Aquinas: Teacher of Humanity, ed. John P. Hittinger and Daniel C. Wagner. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015: 228-242. 

“St. Augustine’s Roman Heroes: A Reconsideration of Roman Virtue.” Paper presented at XVIII International Conference on Patristic Studies at Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, August 19-24, 2019.

Keynote Lecturer, week-long program, “Presidents and the Constitution: Historic Turning Points,” Summer Institute for Teachers, Bill of Rights Institute (Alexandria, VA), Washington, D.C., July 22-26, 2019.

“Avoiding ‘The Absurdity of Wicked Meanings’: St. Augustine, Scripture, and the Liberal Arts,” Plenary Lecture for Conference on “Scripture and the Disciplines,” Braniff Graduate Student Association Fifth Annual Conference on the Liberal Arts, University of Dallas, February 15-16, 2019.

“Challenges to Executive Discretion: The War Powers Resolution and the Courts,” Paper presented at a panel on  “The Presidency, the Courts, and Separation of Power Politics,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 30-September 2, 2018.

“Solidarity and the American Political Order: Migration and America,” Paper delivered at the  German-American Colloquium on “Migration and Solidarity,” Hosted by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein, Bavaria, Germany, July 23-28, 2018.

“Cicero’s de re Publica on Statesmanship and Political Philosophy,” Paper presented at a panel on “de Tocqueville: Old World, New World,” Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference, Association for Core Texts and Courses, Framingham, MA, April 19-22, 2018.

Participant, Rumsfeld Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program, “American Leadership: Advancing the Interests of the American People at Home and Abroad,” Rumsfeld Foundation, Washington, D.C., September 14-15, 2017. 

“St. Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Man in the Treatise on Law.” Paper presented at the Sixth Thomas Aquinas International Society Conference (Società Internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino, SITA), “The Human Person: La persona umana: Id quod est perfectissimum in tota natura.” Bologna, Italy, April 20-22, 2017.